Sunday, April 18, 2010

TGIF and other things...

Just as soon as we were lamenting not seeing Mr. Contractor, we see him on Friday! Maybe his ears were burning? Anyway, he assigned us homework: find any old paint cans we might have for the house color and decide on the floor wood - pine, oak or maple. Mr. Contractor also indicated that the metal for the roof is scheduled to arrive next week. We can't wait to get that roof on!

We're pulling the old floor up from the bedroom and the plan is to reuse it so the floor for the foyer and living room is the same. Mr. Contractor and Doug said the wood still looked good and we'll be able to reuse it as planned. We were inspecting the boards and saw that it was milled by the Argent Lumber Company from Hardeeville, SC. Of course, we had to google it and found the following excerpt from the Hardeeville Chamber of Commerce:
The Argent Lumber Company, based in Hardeeville, arose in the early 20th century. H.W. Philips of Suffolk, Virginia, secured logging rights to the timber on the Okeetee Club, and contracted with the Garysburg Manufacturing Company of Garysburg, North Carolina, to mill the lumber in 1916. The Argent Lumber Company had a planing mill, dry kiln, and storage shed along the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad in Hardeeville. At the same time, Argent created a network of railroads throughout the county to bring the lumber from remote tracts. These railroad lines used narrow-gauge engines, and Argent's Engine Number 7 remains on permanent display at the Hardeeville City Hall. Several Argent mill houses remain in the County. Union-Camp Corporation purchased the Argent properties in the late 1950's.

Doug has been doing a fabulous job with the siding and window trim. He's matching the original trim and once it's painted we're not going to be able to tell the difference. Thank you Doug!

Another week begins tomorrow. Looking forward to more changes. Check back soon.

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